Do you like running out the clock?

What you said, verbatim, each and every paragraph.

Your second sentence here says it all, and I echo that, resoundingly.

Once again, you’re getting off topic, but I guess you always have to get your two cents in. If you need extra time, then take extra time. This post is about the ones who intentionally kill the clock IN A TOURNAMENT. You can’t just get up and leave in a tourney. When we still have our starting chip stack and you’re killing the clock, we are playing less hands per hour, and you’re hurting both of our chances to make the money. I don’t know why you can’t understand this, why you can’t understand why a lot of people get mad because of it, and why you can’t stay on topic. I think I’ve had it with your insults and calling my conversation laughable. We all know your position by now. You’ve said enough. Find another post to stalk.

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Your so right, remember though, he is an expert and genius my friend:)…lol-

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