I would like to see player’s notes during the game, after clicking on player, without opening new page/tab panel in my browser. What do you think?
From http://support.replaypoker.com/replaypoker/topics/did_not_understand_how_to_take_notes_on_players "
Paul Gould (Official Rep) 10 days ago Our plan it to roll out player notes in staging. First allow players to start making notes off the table (as this is easier for us to set-up), then start allowing note taking and reading from the table itself. It’s the obvious way to go. So, don’t worry, it’s coming… =)
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Make it easier to take notes on players. I would like to be able take notes at my current table without having to leave the table..
Totally agree! I hope we can start working on this soon.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Player notes at the table. This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Player Notes.
Can you place the player notes that you make to the individual players when you are on a table with them.
It’s a lot to open a new tab and scrawl throught the list of names looking for anyone that might be on the table with you.
Note: This topic was created from a reply on the Player Notes topic.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Do you ever forget helpful things about your fellow players & friends that you wish you could quickly jot an electronic note right at the table?. It would be extremely helpful to your players (well me and perhaps others) while playing at a table, if I could right click on another’s players name and a dialog box opens that allows me to make notes about the player. You actually almost have it in your feature of rt clicking to see players rank etc.
This “note taking” feature is available on Poker Stars. It’s very helpful to assist with remembering various things about my fellow players style of play for example, they share their name and you want to remember just examples…you simply jot a quick note and close the dialog box.
A small envelope or some such symbol stays attached to that players screen name it’s only visible to me and its only removable and or updated by me. It was without a doubt one of the best and most helpful features of Poker Stars.
Hopefully all comments regarding to this idea merged now, and its a lil bit housekeeping, and more importantly, when one thread got more votes from users, its faster the planned idea get implemented.
Totally agreed with the above.
And it’s not just ‘pokerstars’. It’s ALL poker sites.
I feel that on RP it might actually be more useful than on the real money sites bacuse on RP, you are up against the same people more often.
Thanks for the feedback, this is something we really want to start working on soon. Totally agree putting the player notes within the game itself makes total sense. If you take the trouble to write notes now on the website, when we add this feature these will all be available within the game table.