Different Levels of the thinking process in the game of Poker!

Just curious as to what level, of the thinking process you are in? and what can you share to help others to improve their level of thinking?

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Bitchin’ & Moanin’ Level


I think the levels of thinking can be quite different depending on whether you’re playing at the ring or in an MTT.
Since I’m almost exclusively a tournament player I’ll say I at least try to use all 4 of those levels during a hand. I don’t even understand what the 5th level means, lol.
Preflop I’m deciding if I am even considering playing the hand, a large percentage of which are just checked on auto-fold.
Much depends on my position on the board, since I’ll perhaps play lesser hands when I’m in a good position.
There’s the dynamics of what’s going on at the table at that time, which is constantly changing.
I’ll be looking for the “fish”, or the bingo players, or if I think someone likely just went on tilt due to a bad beat. Can’t tell how many chips I’ve saved thru intuition knowing I didn’t want to see a players soon to be all in bet. Of course if I had a premium hand I might just limp in, wait for the all in, then raise it hoping to go head to head with the player on tilt, or something like that.
Looking at the different chip stacks at the table also makes a difference. I’m usually dismayed when a huge stack is sitting just to my left, hoping either I or they get moved.
Short stacks late usually means it’s all or nothing for them, depending on what is going on, you might be able to knock them out.

Post flop it’s a whole new ballgame depending on the board, that’s where levels 1 thru 4 really come into play.
Occasionally you’ll feel you might be able to buy a pot.
If you get check raised, you know you’re likely in trouble.
Any intuition you might get about the hand is usually the best way to go with what you do.

Have a great day!


Intuition is an awareness that one has that can be described as being in the background.

When you notice your intuition being right then by all means utilize it!

If you want to improve your level of thinking, try improving your awareness.

Your focus now is on your computer screen

Glance to your left … what did you see?

Glance to your right… what did you see?

My point is it’s easy to miss what’s right there.

It’s the same in poker.

Focus on being aware and you might just place first in a RPOS event!

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And once again overthinking is just as worse as underthinking. Go with the flow of the table and be aware of some players are betting on the” luck factor “ which on free video online poker is huge !!!


I believe one should always remember Level 1 as priority and add level 3 to that. What cards do I have and what are my possibility’s of making a winning hand, also what are other player’s possibility’s. And make the decision fold, call or raise.

I don’t think I’m really on any of these levels (or higher levels either), though I do think anyone thinking of the game in range versus range terms (which I try to do) has thought processes that kind of resembles these levels. It just feels to me that I’m mostly not really concerning myself with what I have, or what my opponent has, or what I think my opponent thinks I have, or what I think my opponent thinks I think he might have, on and on forever.

It’s more like:

OK, its preflop I’m in this seat, this action in front… this is a hand I’m supposed to do this with.

OK, board looks like this. General shape of my range should be ???. General shape of opponent’s range should be ??? What parts of my range should be mostly taking what kind of action? Should certain parts of my range be taking a mixed strategy? If I’m not taking one action with my whole range here, then are blockers and other card removal effects part of how I should be carving my range into sections?

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That’s why I personally think level 1 should be the priority. With that thinking process of what cards do I have, would add what hand can I make of these cards, preflop, then what hand is possible after the flop. Also what is possible after the flop, then the turn and the river if I’m still in for other players.

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you k now Im just getting into this conversation, and I like you already

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Howdy @harley57 , TY & Great to hear from you, may I ask what are your thoughts of the Different levels of the thinking process. I think we all would love to hear, my friend:)