We have a new type of contest for you this month! Write a poker-themed epitaph.
I’ll randomly draw five participants who will receive 100,000 chips, but YOU get to vote on your favorites as well! By clicking the heart on the post, tell us which one(s) you like most. You can vote on as many as you’d like. The winner will get to choose their choice of Replay swag! (T-shirt, cap, beanie, or mug.)
Alan25main submitted this idea, and I’ll leave the explanation in his own words:
“One of my “real” poker playing friends is nicknamed “Ace.” He moved to Las Vegas a few years ago, but lived in central Massachusetts when this happened. At his 60th birthday party some years ago, the question was asked: “Now that you’re old, what would you like for your epitaph?” Ace thought for a minute and said: “I’ll sit this hand out.” I asked “Wouldn’t you cash in, first?” Before he could reply, another friend–an even older fart than either of us–piped up “Ace in the hole!” and brought down the whole table.
Make up the best poker player’s epitaph you can think of. When the entry period ends, we players vote for the best one. And, no one can use “Ace in the hole,” even if your name IS Ace.”
I’ll tally everything up on Tuesday, August 27th. If there’s a tie, I’ll share the top answers with staff, and we’ll act as the tiebreakers!
Best of luck and happy writing!