For the past few days when I log on I don’t get the free bonus chips and my lobby doesn’t appear unless I click on lobby.Is this happening to anyone else?
Did I mention I have to click lobby everytime I want to play and when I click onto multi table tournys it shows like tournys
Hi NtheRed,
In order to collect your daily bonus chips you have to visit the Dashboard, the Lobby does not supply the free chips
Hope this helps
yes,i know that…that’s what I meant…it is all nutso lately
OOPS my bad grapevine lol.
Thank you!!!
You should be able to collect your bonus on other pages on the site, but you won’t receive the pop-up alerting you about it unless you go to the Dashboard.
If you want to double-check whether you’ve collected your bonus, your transactions page will list it here: Bank Transactions · Replay Poker
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