Chat Room

Greetings from UK :slight_smile: Is it true that Replay are going to make observers visible ? Someone told me Replay are working to do this.

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Hi Shady!

Yes from what Iā€™ve heard Replay wants to make observers visible in the future.

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Thatā€™s good news Marc. Thanks for replying. New to the Forum so still finding my way around. :slight_smile:


Just a quick update! We discussed this today and while we like the idea of giving players another way to connect with each other, this would require a significant amount of development work, so itā€™s not something we can consider until after our major projects are complete.


Thank you for the update and the consideration! At least itā€™s not a dead idea :+1:t2:


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not a bad idea bro.


Thank you brother :+1:t2:

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Ok Fizzy, Thats a bummerā€¦

Craig, I wonder if they lookā€™d @ open source scripts for chat, kinda like running this forum which was off the shelf so to speakā€¦


Hi Sarah, itā€™s not really hard and cost effective. Plus it would drive thousands to the site and a place to unwind or unload while waiting for the next game to begin while staying on the site. They are running a third party application now called " Discourse " to run a good portion of the site now I heard so itā€™s really no big deal.

The other thing is they want to concentrate on the ā€œBlogā€ where it is Staff generated content. A chat room needs a lot of overseeing although I did volunteer to monitor it with some volunteers.

Hereā€™s hoping :crossed_fingers:

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Ok, lets see if I have this straight, you would like to have a chat room, where we can just talk and not play right, like when harley57, smokes a joint, two or three, and is having a beer, and listening to tunes in the back ground ( on my bose ) and I dont want to play, just pester people, you mean that kind of room, if so Im in !!!, baa ha ha !!


but I might get involved .


Donā€™t you do that here ???



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as a matter of fact, yes I do.


Well Craig,

As I sit here un-soberā€¦ ultimately, there will be 3 of everything, including chat room clients, instant messsagers, poker sites, car companies, computer makers, ect ect ect ect ā€¦thats 3 global, remember thatā€¦

You will be forced to give enough info, covertly, that it will all look seemlessā€¦ any Ted, Carole, Danny, or BilleJo ā€¦ could slap thier name on a poker site, but it still would be 1 of those 3, youā€™d just think it was a different oneā€¦ Everything would run seamlessly.

Ohh wait a sec, ThereCanBeOnlyOne !!! ā€¦ Call it what you willā€¦ Skynet, MCP, Samaritin, TheMachineā€¦ Do you really think super smart AIs will seed control to other ones ??? ā€¦ Hell Noā€¦ Will they be Watson variants? . Who the frack knows, but its commingā€¦

As for monitors, for be-geeezus sakesā€¦ put a disclaimer, and run thier censor thingy and let it beā€¦ Give all players complete control to mute (1 by 1) other playersā€¦ but you wouldnā€™t really need to usuallyā€¦


Good ideaā€¦ i can se lots of other stuff is going on here

  • BUT it gives itā€¦ WE NEED such a chat rom
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I knew she was a cylon. O.o

( hears the sound the eye makes as it goes back & forth )
awww Feldercarb ā€¦

And not the bullet head model, shes a skin job.Probably an 8.
