We all strive to get that one big pot in one hand of poker. The question is what is the biggest one hand pot that you have ever won playing poker, and what is the hand that you won it on, if you can remember? The biggest pot that I ever won was 350,000 chips with 3 of a kind.
every pot is my biggest 1 handed pot ive no left arm!!
1 Pair, Nines 4,267,708 Chips will_lira Current: #592872604
wow n pot
Wow will_lira That was a nice take for a pair of nines. Thank you for sharing.
My second biggest, but my favorite. For some reason I’ve had a lot of my biggest pots with quad sevens (I can hardly even think of another holding where I both got quads and also won a giant pot). One player about 10 years back on another site even started just referring to me as “Sevens”.
3,599,300 with AJo in the hole.
11.531.354 Chips for three-of-a-kind-eights
Biggest pot I ever won was 700 dollars from my aunt in a home game back when I was 3 years old.My hand was AK I have not won a pot with AK since then so I muck AK now even in the bb.
125,500,000 #840557177
The hand just before this I lost after flopping top set against a straight. So I was a bit tilted and made a number of mistakes, starting with open limping a weak hand for my position.
how do you save these games to watch again please anyone
about 2.8 M with 2 Pairs AK
Go to profile,hit the lastes hands and there you can choose!
TY my friend will do
This was not only my biggest one hand pot, but my best hand ever.
This was actually bad played pot both of us about 3,5M but i lost 3 hands earlier an Kanuba about 1.3M some elctricity between us lol