Barnyard Muckers League

With one week left in this quarter, we had orselves a "BarnBurner " today. Barn Burners and Howlers faced off in a shoot out…what a match…Barn Burners took First but Howlers left some big bruises and didnt go down easy. Out of the final battle but in third, Maniac Muckers Played a great game and deserves an “atta girl”!!!

Congratulations to the Mighty Scratchy Cats great game and the Final Straw did not give up easy but 2nd was a great victory. Desperados ended up in third…still leading to quarter!!

What a game!! Cobra Chickens came into this game needing a first place finish and that is exactly what they did!! Well done!! they are now in the lead by one point…tomorrows game will be the BIG show down. In second today was a feisty maniac mucker’s team and they played a beautiful game and old dependable, consistant MUCK U finished in 3rd…great game was played by all

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WORDS FAIL ME…great game, great quarter, great league…CONGRATULATIONS TO DESPERADOS in first and COBRA CHICKENS a scant 6 points behind for 2nd…!!!

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LadyCon and Grateful_ed will be an item at the Mixed Doubles tournament… The Boop Twins


My first time here. Just wanted to introduce our team for the mixed doubles.

Johan and Sue13


The third Quarter has officially begun!! The DESPERADOS wrestled their way to first but not without a mighty battle from Shameless. In third place was an equally scrappy determined Mucker Luckers. Game ON!!

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Congrats to Shameless they played a tenacious game and prevailed over an equally tenacious DESPERADO…came down to who blinked first and third went to the ever tough Cobra Chiickens

a real Barnburner but alas they had to settle for 2nd The Final Straw “beat” down the flames and triumphed. Howlers played a great game but had to settle for 3rd. End of the first week of play this quarter and the leaderboard shows that this is going to be a tight race!!

Great rumble in the Barnyard tonight…Maniac Muckers ARE BACK!!! took first is grand style and Barn Burners were “hot” on their tail in second. But not to be left out DESPERADOS finished in 3rd
Still in first on the Leaderboard but the troops are gathering!!

OMG there was blood in the sand today!! Maniac Muckers achieved what seemed to be impossible they beat the DESPERADOS at their own game and emerged victorious. great game maniacs and let us not forget Shameless in 3rd…they fought toe to toe till the very end. it was a GREAT MATCH and an exciting game!!

Great week Maniacs!! and Howlers played a great game to snatch the hat trick from their grasp!!

Great game all. Howlers never quit. Deaperados hung on for 2nd with Mucker Luckers claiming 3rd

congratulations MUCKER LUCKERS taking first place…BARNBURNERS in 2nd and MANIAV MUCKERS in 3rd. The race is really tightening up 11 points separate 2nd to 7 th place!!!

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Barn Burners took the lead in the first five minutes and never looked back 2nd went to the Final Straw great come back and third to Howlers you all played a great game!! On the leaderboard the DESPERADOS are still in front but their lead is down to 8 points…

ANOTHER hard fought battle DESPERADOS hung on for first but Maniac Muckers gave them quite the fight…had to settle for 2nd with Howlers in third. the leaderboard is showing DESPERADOS pulling away in first with the Final Straw and Barn Burners in 2nd and third place

Congrats to Cobra Chiickens for their victory today…the unfortunate Shameless team had to settle for 2nd as they got frozen out in the head to head match up…third went to Maniac muckers who played a beautiful game too

Great game Mucker Luckers you just NEVER gave up and Bran Burners battled to the very end…Desperados held on for third (I actually thought you were going to prevail!! great game)

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WOW the race is getting closer and closer …17 points separate 2nd place and 7th place
Todays match was a hum dinger…Shameless prevailed with Barn Burners in 2nd and Howlers in 3rd…Great match!!

WHAT A GAME…Four teams left after the break and they did battle. DESPERADOS emerged victorious with Cobra Chickens hot on their heels in 2nd and Barn Burners in 3rd…great game all three!!!