Great game the final three was a treat to watch! the Final Straw in first, DESPERADOS had to settle for 2nd and so too Cobra Chickens (who are poised for a run at first)
Terrific battle heads up Shameless vs Mucker Luckers. It was a shame one had to lose both played great games! Shameless took first with The Muckers in 2nd and Maniac Muckers in 3rd…congrats to all
Terrific victory Howlers over a hard hitting Cobra Chickens. no clouch either was the Shameless team…A game riddled with sandbaggers and bad beats…You three prevailed!!! Congratulations
Barn Burners burned it down…nice win BB, battling to the end was the Final Straw (2nd) and Shameless (3rd) but come back of the game was Shameless. fifteen minutes into the game saw her in last place with a mere thousand chips…great job!!
GREAT GAME!! Howlers HOWLED into first and Mucker Luckers lucked into 2nd and DESPERADOS just did their thing into 3rd
Cobra Chickens pecked their way to first (cluck cluck) DESPERADOS hung on for 2nd and Maniac Muckers played hard but had to settle for 3rd. the race is getting closer with 3rd place and 8th place separated by 12 points!!
GREAT GAME and if u look at the leaderboard you will see team #2 thru team #8 are only separated by 23 points…Next weeek should be quite the dance. congrats to Howlers, Maniac muckers and the Final Straw
strong game Mucker Luckers for their first place finish…Howlers did not give up easy for 2nd and Shameless took 3rd. The Leaderboard is a tight race…DESPERADOS in first by 21 points bot all of the rest of the teams are within 50 points
Heads up Match of the quarter Shameless vs Cobra Chickens…today Shameless was the victor the match stands now at 1-1 so there is a rubber match in our future??? great game played by all three top finishers…lets not forget Mucker Luckers in third
Great game the leaderboard continues to tighten…
Great game…the teams are poised for the final month of this quarter…25 points separate teams 2 -7…This should be exciting
Congratulations to Shameless for your first place finish!!! Mucker Luckers played their heart out but had to settle for 2nd and so too Maniac Muckers in 3rd. It was a fabulous game from start to finish
Great game…awesome heads up at the end…Maniacs prevailed over a determined DESPERADO with Barn Burners in 3rd
what a battle…great game all…Congrats to the Cobra Chickens you smushed the DESPERADOS (OR pecked us into 2nd place and the Final Straw won 3rd…great back and forth match
I missed the game and im sorry but it looks like a great match…The Final Straw secured first with the Howlers nipping at their heels in 2nd and shameless in third …well done all
GREAT game a battle till the end. congrats to the mighty Cobra Chickens scoring a first…close behind was Shameless and a rugged Final Straw in 3rd
REALLY REALLY strategic game today…it was a pleasure to watch…the final three teams were locked in a dance…Mucker Luckers emerged victorious with the Maniac Muckers close behind in 2nd and Cobra Chickens had to settle for 3rd…but it was a toss up back and forth a shame anyone had to lose…GREAT GAME
GREAT GAME TODAY edge of your seat battle…it has come down to the final week of the quarter and 3 points separate first and second…12 points separate 2nd and 3rd…it will be war till the end…good luck all
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A battle Royal>>>Howlers emeged in first with Maniac Muckers in 2nd and DESPERADOS IN 3rd/meanwhile the leaderboard gets closer and closer a mere 23 points separate the top 5 sure and tune in tomorrow…!!!