Where is Replay on the App Store ? It wasn’t a available last night.
You can download the app onto your iOS device search for “Replay Poker”. Look for the happy King!
If you experience any issues with the app, please contact support@replaypoker.com. Our tech team is hard at work to ensure you have a great experience, and we look forward to having even more features for you soon!
Hope this helps.
Edit : removed the link as indeed it wasn’t working.
He didn’t necessarily ask for IOS. He might have an Android. Either way I don’t see a link for either one of them in the particular app stores and your link doesn’t work at all. Just saying…
The release notes for the app said it’s IOS only for now. They are probably developing one for android, but no word on when it might be done.
A search of the Apple Store returns no Replay Poker app.
Sorry for the confusion about this. Our app is temporarily unavailable, but I’ll link it once it’s visible in the app store again. Apologies for the inconvenience!
For those waiting on Android, we should have some good news right around the corner.