Abbreviations or SLANGS in chat

What are the slang words or abbreviations used in chat and what they mean…like GG or GH? Can you teach others?

GG = Good Game, NH = Nice Hand

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Can you teach others?

NB = Nice Bet
VNH = Very Nice Hand
WP = Well Played


RA = rivered again! - I find I use this a lot

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NTD …nice take down

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It’s far easier on all if people just typed in plain English. Saves all confusion and guesswork.


OMG, old man giggling

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wtg = way to go
wp = well played
wd = well done

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stfu = Silence Thy Foolish Utterings


GH = good hand
vnh = very nice hand
gg e1 = good game everyone
cu soon = see you soon

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TYGL2u2 = Thank you good luck to you too
Gg GL e1 = Good game Good luck everyone
MF = My Friend
BBS = Big Blind Special
SBS = Small Blind Special
TC = Take Care
RR = Runner Runner
SOK = suck out King
BS = Blind Squirrel
BS = Best Scenario

GL = Good Luck
GC = Good Call
WTF = Welcome To Facebook :grin: (kidding can’t say but, What The)


WALB= what a lucky bloke lol

Poker is an international game and we all enjoy it, regardless of where we live. But if the rules of the game itself are the same in all countries, then the language of communication is different for all of us.

When we play, sometimes you want to comment on this or that action, especially if you are sitting at a good table.

But how to do it if you are afraid that you will not be understood?

Of course, you can use a translator, but it is not always convenient when you are absorbed in the atmosphere of the game.

It so happened that each of us knows English words at least a little. This is because English is considered one of the languages that can be called international, because it is spoken in almost 100 countries of the world - that’s billions of people.

Let’s look at some abbreviations and words that will help you establish contact at the poker table:

The beginning of the tournament.

- Gl (short for “good luck”) or GlA (short for “good luck to all”)

Thus, thanks to these phrases, we can wish good luck to our rivals.

Abbreviations that we can use during the game by commenting:

- nh (short for “nice hand”) or -gh (short for “good hand”) or -n1 (short for “nice one”) or -g1 (short for “good one”) or -vnh (short for “very nice hand”) or -vn1 (short for " very nice one") .

We emphasize that the opponent played his hand well, that he had a good hand, even if he lost.

- unl (ul). Abbreviation of the word “Unluck”. We use this when a participant had a strong hand, but in the end he lost. Then we can write him “Unl” or “Ul”.

- gf (short for “good fold”). When our opponent makes a bet and we hesitate, but eventually we fold, we can see “gf” in the chat. This means that he had a very strong hand and we would have lost for sure. So he kind of told us: it’s good that you dropped it - it was the right decision.

  • ty (short for “thank you”) or -tnx (tx) (short for “thanks”).When someone writes to us that we played well or we had a good hand or we made a good fold, we can thank them by answering with such abbreviations.

- u2 (short for “you too”). When your opponent has praised your hand, you can praise his hand in return in this way.

-yw (short for “you’rewelcome”). This way we can respond to “thank you”

- sigh or -ufffffffff. When we are tense in a situation, for example, All-In, and with a sinking heart waiting for the river, we breathe a sigh of relief, using these abbreviations. It’s something like, thank God, there was no trouble bit.

-zzzzzzz or buzzzzzz. In fact, as such, there is no translation for these designations, but if a player thinks too long before making a decision, you can tell him something like: don’t fall asleep, wake up or you’re so slow that I fall asleep.

-brb (short for “be right back”) or -bb (short for “be back”). If you decide to out for a while, you can notify about it with the help of such abbreviations.

How to laugh or be surprised in a chat.

There are several notations for this:

- hahaha or - hehehe. Imitation of laughter

- lol (short for “laughing out loud”)

-rofl (short for “rolling of the floor laughing”)

- lmao (short for “laughing my ass off”)

- omg (short for “oh my God”)

- wow

-bs (short for "bull ■■■■ )

- wtf (short for “what the ****”)

The last two are a rude expression of surprise, so you should be careful with them or limit yourself to using “wow” or “omg”

The end of the tournament for you or for someone at your table.

-gg (short for “good game”) or -wp (short for “well played”). When someone leaves the table, you can say goodbye to the participant by writing in such a way that he played well.

- Gl (short for “good luck”) or -GlA (short for “good luck to all”) or -sya or -cya (both short for “see you”) or -bbl (short for "be back later). After losing, you can say goodbye to everyone by saying good luck or writing something else: see you next time.

After all.

Well, these are not all abbreviations and words that are commonly used in a chat during a poker game, but these are the most universal ones that will help you start communicating.

Tell us what other abbreviations and words you consider to be current in the chat during a poker game?


Hi Maxogon15

Great topic to help people with term/abbreviations used in poker that all may not understand and giving some clarification of what they mean.

I would say i have i have probally used 100% of the abbreviations stated in the topic on twitch.

Also here my suggestion/addition to the list

PMSL means piss myself laughing.

used in extremely funny moments


I can say that knowing some abbreviations really helps. For example, earlier, when I read the comments of our lovely moderator, Shells, I misunderstood the meaning when she wrote “xo xo”. I took it as a sinister laugh (Which is like an evil Santa or Grinch), when in fact it means: kissing and hugging.

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Nice post Maxogon15.

I am not a native English speaker, but I know a lot of your abbreviations. But there are others that I don’t know, like unl, n1, g1, vn1, etc…The most common abbreviations I use are: gg, gl, nh, and lol. If I want to comment on someone about bad beat he faced I just write the whole word unlucky,

Also, a couple of personal abbreviations and words I use are:

-slsp: smells like sh!t spirit (when I had a terrible bad beat on the river)
-the lukum (the “lukum” is a card that comes on the turn or river and completes my straight or flush draw)
-hand: have a nice day
-pt!: par Toutatis! (oh my God!)