where is play money i won go ?
its stay on your accaunt. we call it bank. check your own, click on BANK tab.
This are one of the worst games i ewer see !!!
usualy there are 44 peoples online. Thats suck.
Are you saying it’s the worst game, because there are too few players, or is there something else you don’t like?
Are you saying it’s the worst game, because there are too few players, or is there something else you don’t like?
Random troller is my guess. In any case, it sounds like the first line of a blues tune to me: Where did my play money chips go?
mtt bank roll builder on going just before I was knockedout I won a hand which was not credit ited
This is a great conversation that’s separate from the main topic, so I created a new topic to continue the discussion. Please reference the new topic here: Won a hand but not credited
If you weren’t awarded the correct number of play money chips, we’ll need some more information to investigate it. Was it a tournament or a table? Do you have a link to a replay of it? We’ll need the name of the table/tournament, the time, how much you won, whether you received anything? The more information the better!