Honestly you hit the nail with your basic ABC bluff guide, you really have a nice thread going on for a beginner player to carefully study.
ill try my best to give some more insight about Semi Bluffing, the only way to bluff.
Like you said, we must bluff strategically and semi bluffing is the way to do just that.
Semi Bluffing is when we bet when we don’t have the best hand but we have outs which are cards to come that can make us the better hand.
For example:
a Flush Draw has 9 outs
a open ender straight draw has 8 outs
a inside straight draw has 4 outs
When we miss the flop but we have a draw and we were the aggressor preflop, we can C-bet (continue betting) at a high frequency. If we get called and miss the turn, we can continue betting our draw on the turn if we are out of position and check back sometimes if we are in position.
There are other advance scenarios where we can bluff successfully.
If our opponents over fold we can bluff them with all of our range.
we can bluff with back door draws.
we can bluff when we gain equity in our hand.
we can bluff when the board texture favors our range.
do not bluff if our opponents are pot committed.
Just to summarize only bluff when we have outs which is a Semi Bluff. do not bluff if you completely miss the flop.