I see a lot people with these avatars like the below. I assume they’re related to some sort of team event, but I don’t know what exactly.
Hiya, there are different leagues Free Texas Holdem, Free Online Poker · Replay Poker where some of the games are Team related so they wear the same team badge
If you click the arrow below your own image and then click on leagues you can see what league there are as not sure if the above link will work
also you have the RTC main headline promotion where there are team images like ours above
Tiggs xxx
I see what you mean. They’re teams within leagues. Makes sense. Thanks Tiggs.
dream weavers league… has a team orated game 4 teams of 25 players each. I play 4 team pirates there. we start over ever mo. and try for a team win… for bragging rights…you should freind me and check out a game some time.
I play for the Cons
Yes you do - lol
Then obviously Cons is the best team in that league
Sounds fun, thanks for the invitation, but I’m already in a league and only have time for one. Best of luck though.
I like those Private League Team Logos Nice touch !
Craig - you can order them on line - t- shirt or hoody - ask Sharon for the price - delivery extra…
Hahahahahaha, I’m all about the free Merchandise