This presents a major problem for the most famous equation in physics, E=MC2. If the universe began as a super-dense (hot) energy soup, at what rate did energy convert to matter before there was a Higgs field? How did it make the conversion at all? How does the Higgs boson, a particle with mass, get created so that it can establish the Higgs field?
Early universe questions are great ways to exercise the mind. Scientists know they do not have the answers yet because they run into singularities and infinities. All these words signify is “?”.
Just to be a pain in the butt - I do not think gravity is a force. It is a property. Gravity describes the degree of warping of spacetime by massive objects. This explains why we don’t have gravitons or graviolas or gravioloios. Gravity waves are easily explained using this premise though and we have observed those (we think - LIGO is a weird weird setup).
Is it just a coincidence that the abbreviations for expected value and electron volts are so similar? There’s the poker tie-in.