I agree 100%. I never understood the whole “woman’s movement” or “girl power” thing. I always looked at it in this way…An orange is an orange and an apple is an apple. They are both fruit…not the same…just fruit. We make our own destiny. I do not consider myself stronger or weaker for being a woman. I always try and focus what I can do better…for me. Does it make me a better person to say something nasty to an unknown person at a poker table…I think not. I may think it…but no need to repeat it.
this is why you are such a great player .
Exactly! As I teach it to my disciples… 1+4=5 and 2+3=5. Although we reach equality in the end, we get there by different paths.
Poker is a game, and people play games to have fun. When we say things that take some of the fun out of it, it degrades the experience for all involved. I understand that pokering can be frustrating at times, but it’s bad form to take your frustrations out on other people!
I would like to comment at a later date. I have to play it safe.
Happily I don’t have to think before I speak because if I’m speaking, I’m correct, as this study shows:
We should apply this “think before you speak” philosophy to the forums too.
So many times, I see references to “bad players,” or suggestions such as, “90% of the players suck,” and so forth.
It’s the less ezperienced or casual players that keep this site afloat. They play to pass the time, to hang with friends and make new ones, and to have fun, and either don’t realize the true depth of the game or choose not to invest the considerable amount of time necessary to take their games to “pro” levels.
Calling them stupid or bad produces a chilling effect and makes them far less likely to participate in the forum. Nobody wants to ask what some might see as a stupid question. Ultimately, this hurts us all.
So I would urge everyone to choose your words here with care. It won’t kill you to say “less experienced” or “casual” instead of “bad.” It costs nothing to be nice and to help others grow and develop. Remember… we were all there at one time or another.
…been reading for awhile, and have exactly $.02 to add.
If you let a player know they are getting under your skin or into your head, they will continue to do so…just sayin’
It’s difficult enough to present a strong table presence just dealing with your cards. Stay cool, take their chips, move on.
I agree completely, if they are actually bothering you. One of the advantages of online poker is that the other players don’t really know how you are feeling. Sometimes I identify a player who is targeting me or trying to get under my skin. Making the table think that I’m upset about a hand or two means that I can assure that he will call/bet when I get the right hand. I can be sneaky
Absolutely! It works both ways. Any advantage is not only fair, but a missed opportunity if you don’t jump on it.
Wish I was that smart.
Respeto y admiro tus intervenciones, Aunque debo decirte que a veces no siempre 1+4=5
1+4 también puede ser 14
Gracias. Y sí, 1 + 4 puede ser 14 si lo miras de esa manera!
I concur grasshopper
Some peoples words can hurt, some people can be judgmental without consideration, some people can knowing and spitefully be mean, some people can not accept when they have made a mistake, some people enjoy bullying others
Do not be some people be you…because a real you is priceless
Tiggs xx
lol, what do u mean “we were all there at one time…” lolol I am still there…lololol…
We miss you Tiggy and thanks for your message for us all. As my mom taught me. if you can’t say anything nice to someone shut up & smile, Shining the true Light of happiness to everyone!!!
why are you not playing here anymore? i always enjoy watching you and goatsoup play. I have learned alot fom both of you:) I don’t see Goatsoup on anymor either…maybe a name change?
I hope he has not left the site. Tiggy is always kind and insightfull i hope all is well with you and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!
Great example of Thinking before we speak and in a positive way verses a negative, Thanks