I have gone for long periods when I couldn’t draw a pair. Or, I draw Aces and get beat on the river on crap hole cards that only a fool would play… they turn into a boat for the lucky opponent. It’s POKER! It’s a game of chance with skill coming into play by knowing when to fold. I don’t see the conspiracy… sorry.
To Flyinghigh and Matthewdto, I happen to agree with Mikowerty that the deal on this site is flawed, want your proof??? Chart your cards. Over the 10,000 hands I have played ans the 1000s of hands I have charted I have discovered the following…
You will only get 2 face cards (that is 10 thru Ace) about 16% of the time. even though the face cards at 38% of the cards in the deck. and you will see 2-9 as your hole cards 84% of the time even though they are 62% of the cards in the deck. Over the course of 1000’s of hands, you should see 2 face cards at least 30% of the time but my facts do not bear this out.
Also a chance for a flush appears on the board around 36% of the hands dealt, even though each suit only makes up 25% of the cards in the deck. as with the face card versus low card statistics, over thousands of hands you should see a flush possible only 25 to maybe 30% of the time. over 30 shows an anomaly.
also when you chart the cards you will see that you get the same down card 5 out of 6 hands in a row…i got a 3 in 10 of the last 26 hands I charted, i know it is a small sample size but that is a flaw in the random deal program used on the site.
Before you respond I suggest you chart 100 hands can calculate your percentages …
right on!!! It’s about time someone replied to these ‘rigged site’ nay sayers. so there!
Good to see you have taken the time to chart thousands of hands. Takes time and dedication. However, your analysis is flawed.
The probability of one face card (Ace–10) is about 38% and the probability of a second face card is also about 38%. The second card only matters if the first card has hit its 38% so the probability of being dealt two face cards is roughly 38% of 38% or about 14.5% of the time. It is basic maths and there are several sites on the web that explain it very well if you care to check them out.
You stated that you are dealt two face cards 16% of the time and 2-9 84 % of the time which adds to 100% of the thousands of charted hands. Are you really suggesting that in those thousands of hands you never got one face and one low card?. No Ace rag openers? No King rag? No Queen junk or Jack junk? not even 10 and trash?. Either you have omitted these hands (statistically a huge %) and created a bias or you are inventing statistics and presenting them as facts. Either way your results are incorrect. To use incorrect data to explain the probability of a flush would simply be foolish so I will not attempt to.
Poker is a game where understanding probability and odds are very important so please do check out some sites to help with your grasp of this. It will improve your game beyond belief. Maybe even try to find and study a poker book which will explain card probability and odds.
Charting 100 hands is nowhere near a large enough sample size to mean anything.
The actual odds of catching 2 cards in the 10-A range in the hole are calculated as follows…
There are 52 cards in the deck, of which 20 are in the range 10-A. Therefore, the chance of your first hole card being in this range are 20 in 52, or about 38.5%.
If your first card is 10-A, there are 51 cards remaining, of which 19 are 10-A. This is 19 of 51, or about 37.2%.
The actual chance of ending up with 2 cards in this range is therefore 37.2% of 38.5%, which works out to 14.3%. If you charted 16%, then 14.3% is well within margin of error for a statistical sample of this size.
Any 5 card board will contain 2 of the same suit 100% of the time. Boards with 3 of the same suit are less common, of course, but still common. The actual odds would depend on if you have 0, 1, or 2 of that suit in your hand. You can work it out using the same process outlined above if you feel like it, which I don’t.
You say you got a 3 in 10 of 26 hands, which is 38%. You then said you get the same card in 5 of 6 hands, which is over 83%. Your statistical sample size is too small to have any meaning at all, sorry.
‘1000s of hands I have charted’. Once again, I’m going to accuse you of lying here. I assume this must be excel or something which I can check out and see how unusual it really is (if it exists). File please!
You need to check your math, dude. Even though you had a pair of sixes with an ace kicker vs his J 7, He had 6 outs (out of 47 unseen cards. That is not exactly “drawing dead.”
I would not even call that a bad beat. Incidentally, unless you were in one of the blinds, or, possible, on the button–how did you even get involved in the hand, expecially tagainst the (table) chip leader? Maybe if you had raised before the flop, maybe your opponent would not have even seen the flop.
Anyhow, this situation is not unique to Replay Poker. I have played in dozens of casino, from Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, West Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey to multiple Internet sites (until 2011), and I have lost to the most improbable ways imaginable.
So, grow up.
Dude, you need to go back to Math School. The probability of getting 2 premium cards (Ten thru Ace) is approximately 14%. That is 20 of 52 cards times 19 of 51 cards. Once you understand this, have a nice day.
Why does it keep saying, I can unlock a bonus, if my profile is filled out? It is filled out! Dinkydau1
The fact is- this is poker. Whether online, or in person, it is poker. If you have spent any time at the tables at all (in reality) you would know that this site is very kind in its hands and how the game plays. It’s almost like a tutorial! Get silly, and “lady luck” GITS ya’. Now, I have no reason to believe it’s the software, it’s probably just plain reality of Murphy’s law. What can go wrong will, and at the worst possible time. I’ve been up, I’ve been down, and bottom line, it’s a GAME!!! Chill!! Enjoy! Have fun!
Matthewdto- - Thank you for your service Marine!
SunPowerGuru: as good as you are at the math- - - would you consider running my 401k!? I’m impressed!
Nice off topic. Anyway, dear @DinkyDau1 , did you inite a friend and he/she did sign up? This is just one posible reason.
i also stand in as one of the stupid players.the no of bad beats have been unreal compared to the ones i have given.its mostly the players ranked 500k to 700k the site manages to feed thier stack with some stupid and ridiculous calls.If you are even half a poker player you wont make these stupid calls.
But you cant beat stupid-every tourney i play i see one or two players who are ranked 500k to 700k and they are winnning destroying the table with thier idiotic calls.they eventually make final table and fade off or take down 10 players before they fall to thier stupidity.
ive won 11 medals which maybe should have been 20.ive missed by one player on over 10 occassions.last i checked i was 2nd in the bronze with 8 medals.havent been able to add to it since few days now as been coming 4th in 6 tournies in a row.i dont think my calls can be questionable.
i have lost to complete donkeys and its embarassing.
now on the face of it i dont think i played it wrong in terms of preflop or flop
these arejust 3 examples forget about the chases made for flush and straights all the donks manage to hit on the river.it doesnt matter what you have they are married to thier hands.
im still here i dont think any more more stupid than me.just one monster bad beats after another every single day…its just plain sick…is the site rigged? i dont know but cant understand how come 1/2 players ranked so low manage to hit every flop,when i say every flop i mean 80% of the games played out.they were not bluffing i saw thier cards…its unbelievable.they defy poker odds,defy logic.then i say that this game is nothing but just like roulette…you need stupid dumb luck to win on replay.toss your skill out of the window not needed here.
I have been hearing bad beat stories for 50 years. Lets get real-everybody has a truck load of them. Now, lets get real. replay poker is not the real world of poker. It is a free, fun game that does not even resemble the real world of poker that is played for money. In the real world,with money on the line, nobody would make the bets or calls that are made on replay poker. It;s a different game and my advise to all who want to be successful is to play like it is for real money. There are many very good players on line here. This is the chance to learn how to play better.
Why are there so many crybabies that play poker? The other day I had an ace high flush on the flop so I shoved. Only one player called me with two pair. When he lost he screamed bad beat and that he hated to lose to these donks. My hand at the flop was clearly better. However if he had drawn a match to his two pair on the turn or river I would have lost to his full house and gracefully recognized his good hand. If you want to play poker know your odds and be a grownup about it. If you want to be a crybaby maybe you should stick to tiddlywinks.
you are right it is flawed
Are there technical problems with the site?
For the last week, when I have signed on, there is no award of 2500 chips for continued play.
Also, when I check the win/lose tab - nothing shows?
Anyone else having these issues?
Those are the same players that cry when they lose to the river card…They seem to forget the times that they win on the river card… They FORGET that EVERYONE gets to use the river card
why did I quit getting my free 2500 chips when had continuous sign on
why does my chat not work