So, what do you think is the best way to deal with verbal abusers on Replay?
Understand That It’s Not Really About You
Quite simply, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And the quicker you realize this, the quicker the insult will become insignificant.
How to Let Insults Just Roll Off Your Back - The Goal Chaser
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Select the player you want to mute. Go to the NOTES tab in the chat box for that player. On the upper right of the notes box, there are three gray icons. The first one is an eyeball which can be used to block the person’s avatar. The second one is a speech bubble, and this is the one you use to mute the player in chat. The third one is an exclamation point in a triangle, and it is used to Report the player
Does anyone know if the setting “sticks”? If I mute somebody when I seen them once, will they still be muted when I see them a second time?
I am pretty sure that setting is table specific and only lasts as long as you stay at that table. If you leave the table and come back (ring game obviously) you will have to re-mute the player (just tested that). In tournaments I am pretty sure you will have to re-mute when rebalanced to a new table and the same player joins the new table also. Fortunately for me I have never had to use that feature so I cannot know for sure about tournaments.