I tried. Funny story, I got a warning from a moderator for cursing at him while he was harassing me
If Replay doesn’t want to mute spectators, maybe they can use an alternative way, such as having players reach RPP Level 10 (or whatever level decided) before being allowed to chat from the rail, something that would require a little longevity as a player to achieve, so that a troll can’t simply create a new account to circumvent a block.
Very good idea.
Or perhaps a VIP account so Replay would have all the data like name on credit card and card number!!
I Feel sorry for this person ! If your life is so Sad that being a Troll is all that helps you through the day, Some people are just mean,and karma will find a way. Sure Hope you find a Happier side of Life.
Best Regards, Zacor
Interesting string. Most assuredly, I am not your troll, but yesterday I found Unskilld’s play to be unsportsmanlike. When you play at a low stakes table with an almost unlimited bankroll and go all-in pre-flop every other hand, it just may p.o. some low-mid ranking people who are trying to gradually build their roll. My response to your play was simply to change tables. Best wishes.
should be always disabled
Don’t allow spectators, please…
Please show spectators and let us see who is watching.
Better yet learn how ta play all types of players…new or long time players.
Yup…you are 100% right.
So your idea is to discriminate low level players…hmm
yup. trust those in charge…
Hi, I fully understand the reason why you are doing this and totally support it, but this now means that I wouldn’t be able to chat “as a spectator” to my team members during the upcoming RTC Tournaments this year. Or am I wrong?
Spectator chat is now allowed again.
That’s good…well, for the RTC tournament’s team chats anyway. Thanx
It would be nice to be able to block chat from specific spectators in the same way you can block chat from someone seated at the table. Also, it would be nice if that setting were automatically saved, so that it would not be necessary to re-block them every time they show up.
I think I’ve only wanted to do this with about 1 in 1,000 players, but boy, there have been a few were it was very frustrating to not be able to block them (especially when their are other players on the table that are very enjoyable to chat with).
going all in is hardly unsportmanlike… although it can be frustrating… we just need to learn how to play very aggressive play
you can not change screen name… unless you want to create a new account and start from scratch.
No ChattinScot. You can contact support and let them know the new screen name you want and they will transfer you chips and friends.