Left table came back and checked in just over four minutes. New hand being delt two seats to my right. Players took time as usual. Next hand was left out being in the small blind. Hand almost over turn card was delt. At that point I was kicked off and waiting player takes my seat.
Thought six minutes was the new rule, Is it six minutes until you are delt in? Or six minutes until you check in? If it is delt in that has a lot to do with how long players take with each hand when you check back in, Thank you
6 minute rule is too long! If you need a bio break or munchie break, 4 minutes is plenty.
I had last week the same problem, and the last 3 years many times. I came back, clicked the button, had 2x to wait for next hand, and it kicked me then from table. If slowplayers are on table, you can only take a break of 2 - 3 mins. A longtime problem, one of the 1000 things on Replay.
Hi @Rbravo1506,
Players who do not play any hands are removed after six minutes of being inactive. As soon as the system recognizes you’re not actively playing, that 6-minute count down starts.
Thank you Chips. If you come back in the small blind because of slow players is there anything we can do? I understand how some think six is to long to take a break. The other problem is when players go bust and hold a seat from waiting players until six minutes is up. So at times six minutes is to fast and other times six minutes is to long I guess we can’t have everything. Will take shorter breaks if possible. Thank you again for the response… You people to a great job. Love Replay Poker Site
Hi @Rbravo1506,
At this point, there’s nothing we can do, because if you run out of time, you are in the SB for the hand where you would have come back. Good luck at the tables!
Thank You Chips