It happened to me several times and I had to open a fresh page and type in
Then it will allow me to find my table through the dashboard listing.
The key is to open another page and start over.
The error will loop around again until a fresh page is opened.
My muscle memory is thankfully in good shape with this practice.
It’s a recognizable error which helps, compared to a frozen screen that takes
a little longer to identify.
This dramatic daily deterioration of player experience on Replay, feels in some ways, like the
death by a thousand cuts, lots of small bad things are happening, none of which
are fatal in themselves, but which add up to a slow and painful demise.
Keeping a sense of humor in a situation like this is helpful.
You could say that Replay is offering an alternative to joining the
French Foreign Legion to forget.
Just join Replay and it’s the next best thing! lol
September 13, 2024, 10:22pm
this morning … I tried the 9;00am… 250 k buy inn tournament game… was froze out of game 3 times… had to log out of replay completely… and log back inn 3 times then had to find the game I was playing… after the game… I asked replay for a game refund… I’ll report back here if I get the refund… if I don’t get refund… ill have to stop playing replay till they get their sight fixed…
September 14, 2024, 3:36am
LOL, Thanks for shining the Light my friend & this too shall pass
Yes litenin, this too shall pass.
A momentary glitch that shouldn’t be focused on too much by the players.
Glance on it by reporting it to Replay to help solve the problem and move on!
Obviously, the problems keep happening.
However, what more can be said about it all?
We need to let Replay focus on solving their problems now
and instead of constantly looking over their shoulder,
we must take a step back and just try to focus on the poker.
Also, keeping a sense of humor through it all is essential.
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we have had your “so alled” momentarily glitzes going 3 years or more lmao
Compared to eternity, it is just a momentary glitch.
That’s the necessary point that is being made here.
One’s point of view can be from two different perspectives if one just steps back.
Then choosing the one that is the healthiest can be beneficial.
If you play through the video above, there’s some quality insight that explains perspective.
The basics of quieting the mind and discovering a new perspective even there.
So, having humor and perspective in mind when those Replay glitches arise, will ease the initial
negativity that comes with it.
A necessary counteraction similar to Replay’s temporary workarounds.
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September 14, 2024, 4:05pm
I am happy to report… I did get a refund … for the 250 k buy inn game… that I was froze out of 3 times…
September 14, 2024, 8:16pm
Glad to hear jed, & gl at the tables
From the moment Replay joined Casino, I am experiencing: slow connections, many freeze outs, and “table does not exists” things.
Maybe it is a server problem? My own internet is fast and almost never had problems before.
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October 19, 2024, 12:43am
These existed long before Casino.Org lol
October 27, 2024, 1:32am
Unfortunately, your statement is very true. These issue’s have nothing to do with the new URL, IMO