Practicing Patience

I’ve been trying hard to practice, but sometimes it’s easier
to be impulsive and act hastily…
Lots of regrets later!
Good luck to you in Poker and in life! :slightly_smiling_face: :four_leaf_clover:

I’ve always been a tight player, playing few hands and waiting for opportunities, and over time I’ve changed my style of play, trying different things to evolve. The problem with waiting only for strong hands is that you become very predictable, and your opponents will understand, so the logic of a good player is to adapt and change their style of play in the middle of the tournament, I say that a good poker player should be like a chameleon, always changing “color” in this case style of game, this brings a large arsenal in your toolbox you are not limited to just one style of play, so patience generally refers to waiting for opportunities, however we must train and get good at bluffing in favorable situations, we must have other resources and tools, and we have to train and get good at each of them when we need to change our game in the middle of a tournament, unpredictability is the key to success, you play with people so it makes sense to try to confuse them to get their chips, like A great Brazilian player said, “in poker you don’t play with cards, you play with people”


Hello Zenon!
I agree with you that we have to play in different ways, but patience will always be our ally if our game strategies don’t give good results. In this case, be patient so as not to “lose your head” and try to invent another way to earn chips!

The other day I was playing in a tournament where a player bluffed and showed, so I thought of it as his strategy to be discredited and then win with a good game. It worked as far as I saw, but I realized it was just his trick, each player chooses their techniques.
I can say from my experience in poker and in life that I have never regretted being patient, but I have regretted being impatient countless times! Good luck to you, thank you for the answer!

You are right, patience is very important. There are many people who want to make a lot of money in poker overnight, and that is a mistake, because instead of winning they end up losing all their money. Poker is a long-term game, study and with patience sooner or later you will get the results.


Thank you, je_amm!
I totally agree with you! It takes a lot of patience and dedication, planting and waiting for the tree to bear fruit! Thank you for your feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Good afternoon.
I just read an article by a player I remember very well, and this article was dedicated to patience as the main factor of success. Yes, patience is something we all lack. We are all different and think in different ways. But most players aim to create a safety cushion (build up the stack) at the start, so that it would be easier at the later stages of the tournament. That’s where the glitch happens. We might just get knocked out of the tournament at the very start because of our own impatience.
I think that any article about poker should end with the phrase:
Remember, whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, patience is the key to success.

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Indeed, Maxogon15!
Patience is the key to understand many things in Poker, in life.
Let’s practice it every day, becoming a beautiful habit!
Thanks for your reply!
Peace, luck and patience to you! :crossed_fingers: