Players Helping Players

Hey Jan! Please just shoot us a line at support and we’ll be happy to take a look for you. :smile_cat:

Clicking the question mark on the dashboard will get you to us:

Hi Fizzy,

  If I may have an email address, as there are a couple of issues 

that I have already to go in a letter. It would save me time, as I have
already retyped the letter three times to no avail. Your help would be
appreciated !!!

Thank You,



If an e-mail’s easier for you, should do the trick! :smiley:

Hey I haven’t used the forums before so I’m a bit knew to this. Basically my only question is: Is there any way to spectate a tournament after the late registration has ended? Also is there any way to spectate a table based on it’s table ID. If someone could help me that would be great! :smiley:

From the main tournaments lobby, you can view the specific tournament lobby you are interested in. From that lobby, doubleclicking on a name will open their table as a spectator.

The only way I know to open a specific table (other than the way above) would e to paste the URL into a window or tab and hit enter. The format would be… NUMBER/open

Replace “TABLE NUMBER” with the number of the table you want to open.

trata de jugar apretando tu a los de mas todo el tiempo,solo asi con un monto grande d chips puedes manejar la situacion

Hey Joe,
I’m new here and noticed the same thing, but I really only play MTT’s and I’m a loose aggressive player so I just raise 5 times the blind and keep raising to put pressure on opponents, as stacks shorten play turns normal, well that’s how I’m trying to combat it anyway :wink:

What does ranking mean

Ranking is strictly based on chips. The more chips you have, the lower the rank number.

Nottheone is right it stake level is based on chip’s. Everyone starts off at the low stake level, witch has a range of 0-74,999 chips. When your bank has 75,000 - 249,000 chips, you are in the medium stake level. Then as you continue to be awesome and your bank has 250,000 chips or more, you are in the High stake level.

As you accumulate chips your rank number goes down from a beginner at about 5,000,000 to number 1 if you can collect enough chips.

Janice2128 I hope this helps answer that question.
Thank you and good hunting

actually there are somewhere over the 1M players on the site, so 5M is actually impossibe :wink: .
besides of that, everyone starts with 2500 chips, so probably you will start somewhere in the 6 figures.

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Thank you for pointing that out yiazmat. I actually came up with that number as an example, I do not have access to that information to the exact number. But I’m sure that example will answer Janice’s question.

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I was on table acropolis Athens 3 player bet I folded I see who ever was on bet for me I don’t know if some thing is wrong in the computers but Ihad nothing and any one knows me they know I would not call 120k chips that’s insain I would never call that I didn’t have a thing that is why I folded than he posted DO NOT FLOOD THE CHAT 5-6 TIMES I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT I DO CARE ABOUT THE CHIPS I HAD A TERRIBLE LOOSING STREAK TO DAY SO WHEN I GOT 220K CHIPS I WAS SO CAREFUL pLEASE CHECK THE TAPE I AM TELLING YOU THE TRUTH I did not call that bid thank you very much for your help sammy

Some computers/browsers will take a [enter] as a button push. I’m sure even if you tell us what hand it was, Replay cannot confirm/deny something that might/might not have happened locally to you. The fact you said something about flooding the chat means your computer took multiple enter keystrokes at the time in question. I do know if I have a chance to rebuy, in a MTT and just as I’m hitting enter to send the text , and that box pops up, it takes it as I clicked yes, and I never click anything. That is the only plausable explanation for what I think may have happened to you.

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I have double clicked on the check button many times and the second click has activated the call any button, which I did not notice until the subsequent call was made…

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Hi Sassy Sarah That should have never happened some one pushing bet button who ever it was should not have access to the computers buttons I was shocked to think some one could do that now I am short 120-124 chips as u see I am just about of chips and am having to close my account sammy

I went back to check the Hands and its not up there it was last night July 19 -20 if it was after mid night and I can not see it I will get through to day my chip count should be 481348 and it is 360298 I am really upset some one can bet for me I never heard of such a thing right after it happened I left the table and so did the players that won my chips by default sammy

I am sure that everybody at Replay Poker wants you to feel welcome here and wants you enjoy the time spent at the tables. Replay provides a cardroom for all of us to play at and they let us play without interfering in any way. They DO NOT, CAN NOT, and WILL NOT access your computer to make bets. That would kill the company.
However any random player/troll can make all sorts of ridiculous claims. Not really fair is it.
Now if you need to know how to deactivate your account as you have asked it really is pretty simple
Go to settings
click deactivate account

Greetings Joy & Family
Oh please give me a live game like that… I don’t know that I will ever say it enough… It’s an absolute gold mine in this circumstance. When players have to continue to draw at you in order to win it’s money in the bank. Let me say this as well… It’s not just an opinion. The mathematics speak to it constantly.
What it seems like is you may be trapped like so many others, remembering the painful bad beats for far too long. Long enough to desensitise and lose track of the winning hands that occur in this situation. It can bother some people to the point that it will destroy your poker confidence.
As I’ve mentioned here before, "Humans are driven by a thousand different forms of fear and insecurities.
The more distance you give yourself for self examination. The better, more positive response you’ll have in these situations and it will also affect your chip count and happiness in the long run… :sunglasses: