Pets We Had or Have

You never get a bad pet!
Only bad owners.
That said I guess I am the way I am towards any animal I love them regardless I have had (let me see) oh yeah two dogs while i was very young that I remember Peggy who was a whippet I was about 3 then not sure what happened to her then 4 yr old we move and my 1st day at primary school my so called mother met me at school with blackie he was a Heinz 57 variety (mongrel) hiss name and this is gods honest truth was ! wait for it “Dog” yep Dog lol I called him Blacky cause he was all black. Then in my final year of infants (9 yrs old) i got home and no blackie he always stood looking through gaps in gate 4 me to get home every single day for 5yrs of course 1st question wheres me dog?it was about 18 months later i found out they put him too sleep because he barked at every 1 who passed I guess it was then I hated them both and ever since. I left home at 14 and now 36 years later I have just finished with my 8th dog he was youngest Stan 10 year old i had 2 Dobermans together then Sam a German shepherd a English Bull Mastiff he was enormous bigger than a Great Dane lol got into a bit of money trouble lost me job so went out every day nicking steaks and the like to feed him not me, him ! Did this for about 2 months when I got a new job that’s the only ever time I broke the law lol. He was my 4th and I’m 29 now and not sure how this worked I got lumbered with my mates Jack Russle and when I say he ruled the house even against a dog the size of Cyrius ( that was his kennel name?!) little yapping thing it was but they both got on great Cyrius died few years later and a month to the day Jack died, and 6 weeks later after I had him for 3 and a half years my mate turned up wanting his dog back (yep that soon went pear shape needless to say so did he) 33 year old and about 9 months had passed saw my 3rd Doberman (6th dog in total) and surprisingly enough my 1st ■■■■■. Oh my never again she became so possessive over me in the 11 years I had her I ended up losing 2 girl friends but hey f…k em they don’t like my dog they don’t like me its that simple. got Stan a couple of years before she got put down by police (wankers) she got a thief coming through window (late afternoon broad day light and no 1 saw any thing! yeah right) and she bit 2 of his fingers off he complained she got taken and then a letter from the courts some what 10 days later that she had been deemed dangerous by a judge and was to be put to sleep on such and such a day which turned out to be the day b4 i got the letter so now humans can go suck and you know about Stan so that’s 7 not 8 dogs I have had and do you8 really want to know something I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now b4 any 1 says out about my holiday shortly just so every one is fully aware I have never left a pet with any one ever and was not going to start now my 1st holiday since late 1980’s and Stan was coming to Australia with me lol cost more for him to travel than me lol how’s that? but sadly a couple of months after finishing paying he is no longer with us but not a problem as I would have robbed banks if I ever needed cash to pay for any pets oh and whilst having a dog I had a 16ft and 12 ft Boa Constrictors , 2 budgies tropical fish and a few others there you have my pet history.
Finally I


worshipped every 1 of them


I’ve gotten a few bad pets and I was a good owner.

I guess I didn’t really know what a 6 foot ball python actually was. I don’t even want to get into the bad tarantula or the biting monkey.



Bit of a sad one but I grew up with an absolutely wonderful spaniel/labrador cross (yeah weird for a kitty :wink:) I named Prince. He was nuts and had so much character. He was my dog and we did absolutely everything together but he had this tendency of running away and I had to rescue him from the pound a few times.
One day he yet again managed to escape from the garden and I did the usual search of the area calling his name but nothing, was not at the pound either…days passed until one of my friends came to my house and told me he saw my dog lying at the side of the road dead a few miles away, he must have been hit by a car.
To this day many many years later it still hurts when I think about him and that I never got a chance to hug him again and say goodbye.
Rest well Prince…you crazy dog and childhood friend, you’ll never be forgotten :cry: :pray:


Aww, Bum_Cuddle. Hugs :teddy_bear:


Damn that made me cry, i’m so sorry ! :cry:


It got me too typing it, really is amazing how animals can get into your heart with their own version of love.
They might be angels in disguise :thinking:


Hugs <3


I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing.


Wonderful Husky/Shepard dogs!!


I know how you feel. I’ve lost a few dogs over the years (one to a rattlesnake) and even the ones I lost to old age just tore me up emotionally. When people I know lose a pet I often recommend a book titled Old Dogs Remembered ( ) which features some great writers like James Thurber, Eugene O’Neil, John Updike, Elizabeth Barret Browning celebrating the memory of dogs they lost. It gives comfort to some folks dealing with a sad end like you are with Prince.


Hi all sorry its been a while went to pick Stans ashes up last week so not been with it lol. Hope all doing well and hope even more your pets are and ty all for your comments tc all have fun


Sparky, who had a nice 14+ year life in San Diego.
While I miss him quite a bit (he died in late 2020, because of course 2020 wasn’t going to go away without taking something from us) I’m at least glad we didn’t have to include him in the logistics of us moving to Ohio.
After being without him I’ve gained a huge level of appreciation for all pets, even though I’m a cat guy, I’m not NOT a dog guy, you know? Animals just enhance life tremendously. Especially for me, I don’t have human siblings, so Sparky sort of served as my little brother.


I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave Sparky a very good life and that he brought a lot of happiness to your life. That is what pets are all about. Thank you for sharing.


I was GIVEN a Yorkshire Terrier by a waitress at Denny’s in Phoenix…Rosie was GREAT! She brought alot of joy to me and my older Sister…THANK YOU ROSIE!!!


Hi players. Last week was a difficult one for me and I was not able to do a forum topic. My support dog, companion and friend, Damien, passed away. He was a Siberian Husky. Support animals like Damien are difficult to find. He helped me through many bad days. We did everything together. The problem is I can’t stop thinking of him and when I do, I can’t stop crying. It has literally incapacitated me. I faced a lot of death when I ran my rescue, but I was able to deal with it. This situation is different and I don’t know why. The question is has anyone else ever been in a situation like this where you just can’t stop thinking about that special pet that passed away and you wound up getting very upset and cried when you do, and I mean every day and night? Maybe some of your experiences can help me.


Thank you very much Excaliburns. That is greatly appreciated.

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every day every night, gets a little better with time, softer but still there