Missing Friends

I think Whip has signed off of replay. Searching for Whip2870 does not come up with anything which is why I think he is off of replay. I hope all is well with him.


maybe just a simple answer…name change and if you delete people before the change in name they can’t find you.

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Anyone know what’s going on with snakee from TFPR??? He hasn"t been around for 7 months. I sure do miss him.

Sorry to hear, I hope your friend is well and back soon. I suggest posting this in another thread as well, Missing Friends


I think if you use the @ with the person’s handle e.g., in this thread, it will send an email (which is on file) notice to them.

Again, I think that works if the email is still active.

I hope this helps.

I believe if you send them a PM a notification goes to their registered email. If they used an email that they use or check regularly they should get it.

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I would like to know where GoatSoup has gone to,has he left the site or just name change?

I hope Tiggy will have insight i know they were or are good “friends”.

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Chris has left Replay!

who is Chris?

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We may have all experienced missing friends. I and many others have and to eventually find them back. I won’t mention name. So Happy to see my friend again at the tables and no questions asked. Just glad my prayers were answered, that my friend was safe & ok. Have faith for all of our friends which I hope is everyone to be safe and healthy.