Looking for players

I run a league on here called Dream Weaver , if anyone would like to give teamplay a try , please send me a friend request or reply here and I can send you info. It’s a fun way to interact with the same people , friendly banter , good players , who are are all here to have fun while playing good poker .You can watch a game to see what it’s all about also , we play on Sun , Mon, Wed and Thurs at 9:30 est, pop in and say hi , you may even have friends playing . Use the dropdown , go to leagues and then go to Dream Weaver Team .Thanks .


Hi Sharon, hope you recieve a lot of new player’s & I’ve heard nothing but Great things about your league and all Replay league’s. Hope everyone, has fun & gl at the tables :smile:


Welcome to Dream Weaver league Litenin, we are glad to have you.


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