The easiest way to get the PW (other than reading the Replay Poker Facebook page regularly), is from the MTT page. Select the Facebook Freeroll you wish to play in. When the “register” screen comes up, click on “Weekly Facebook Freerolls” in yellow just above the word “Register.” That will change you to a new screen. Select “Replay Poker Facebook Page.” Scroll down to the password. It’s usually the top or second entry and is posted for the whole week in advance of the games. The same PW is used for both the early and late game each week. Write the PW down if you think it necessary, then hit your “back” arrow twice to return to the “Register” area, and type in the PW in the blank white space provided. This may sound difficult, but takes literally only about 15 seconds and costs zero. Then don’t forget to play the event.
Good luck.