Customised final table

I have no news from google and I feel that it will take time, for now even if it is not what was originally planned I put the extension directly in download for those who want to test it.

replay final (5.8 KB)

To implement it on your tables it’s simple :

  1. start by unzipping the extension

  2. click on this icon on the right of the browser

  3. then go to “more tools” > “extensions”.

  4. activate the developer mode

  5. load the extension

  6. then select the unzipped extension folder

  7. last step, activate the extension

small detail that I did not have time to improve, when the last player of a tournament has just been eliminated before the final table there is a short moment where the last two tables are displayed as final tables, here are 2 captures to understand better:

I think it’s not the tool of the century especially because I couldn’t put it as a chrome extension but until the site implements this idea it can do the job, don’t hesitate to let me know of any bugs.