CONTEST - What animal represents your poker persona?

Hunting and flying by night suits me just fine. I enjoy saying “Whoooo’s bet is it?”


:unicorn: “All these people are crazy!!! Let´s get out of here!!! Come on, my unicorn!!!” This is me talking to me… hahahaha!!! Life is a game as everything else (even poker). Life is too short to play silly games so let´s poker!!! :unicorn: :unicorn: :unicorn:

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A wolverine keep bothering me and I come for you full force

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Copperhead. Lay in wait quietly, strike when you are not looking.

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I’m a Red Tailed Hawk. I can hover for what seems like forever searching for that perfect hand, Then I fold my wings, not the hand, and I dive in and seize the pot.


Cobra - Fast and deadly

Baaaa …




I’ve been feeding crows for years, in the alley behind the company I work for. I’ve observed them, read about them - very intelligent birds, capable of solving complicated tasks, I’m certain they recognize me - when I walk towards the spot where I sit and feed them, they start swooping down to the rails and building awning. Crafty and smart - I’m a crow.


I’m claiming the eagle as my poker spirit animal. When I was a small child just learning to play games, my parents would watch me studying the game board and say, “Here comes old Eagle Eye!” I thought they meant it! I play with the same energy as an old lady 60 years later! Like an eagle, I stare at the field until I see something move and then I swoop down and grab–often at air, sometimes at a big pay-out.



♫ I’m on the hunt, I’m after you, and I’m hungry like the wolf ♫


The sand puppy aka the naked mole rat. He’s eusocial which helps me keep my distance from the other competitors in these Covid-times. He lasts a long time even in low oxygen environments (some players talk so much they suck the air out of a game); and he’s impervious to cancers that would kill other contestants (or at least put them on tilt). No one sees the naked mole rat coming!

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I would say quite honestly the animal that represents me in Poker is a Wolf. When provoked I am aggresive. When not provoked, still aggressive but not as much. I strive off the weak players. I am underestimated by the strong and that causes me to slowly take them down and be victorious.

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I’m like a cold blooded gecko. I don’t move a lot, if I move it’s for a reason, and when I have the possibilty to reach out for a mosquito imprudently coming by my way, I stick out my tongue and eat it without anyone around me even realizing …!!!

The Groundhog. I only come out once in a while. If I get scared (lose) I am back in my hole.

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The “Tasmanian Devil” relentless hunter, the Tasmanian Devil eats his prey from the belly, opening his abdomen and consuming the fluffy entrails.


But I am TAz of Looney Tunes I am irascible and unconvincing. Although I can be very sneaky, but also sweet. My hunger seems to know no bounds, for I eat everything in my path.


However, TAz has a weakness: it can be calmed by almost any music. While in this calm state, it can be easily addressed. The only music known for not pacifying Taz is the bagpipe, which he finds unbearable.


PS.: Excuse my English translated by GOOGLE


The Wolf, I strike at the most opportune time and try to win the small pots and not loose any big pots!




Probably any kind of dog, since I’m usually multi-tasking and get distra ~ SQUIRREL!!

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