
People do what works for them to come out ahead. My play is to answer the question “Can a person with the worst luck imaginable come out ahead playing poker?” On a bell chart I’m that little dot on the far right with the other cursed souls. Invariably a player comes along and goes all-in on every hand, and it seems to work for them. They seem to have high chip totals and when they lose have an inexhaustible chip resupply in the ready.
My question is Does this strategy work for you? I immediately fold because when I depend on luck tp win, I’ll lose every timestrong text****

What u gotta do is announce No Whining when they start that stuff…do it immediately to nip it in the bud

That is what I do…I will not tolerate whining at my table…


Half the forum is now whining…or whining about whining.
I have no complaints, except to complain about complaining about complainers.
I hope this helps.



well, for some reason I lose more flips than I should be loosing, (in case you don’t know what flips means aq vs jj is a flip). SO yes, I also think I am rigged against. I think because replay think I am so good, the only way for everyone else to have a chance against me is, so that I lose flips more often than I should be!

That’s hilarious. You funny, Sonny. Keep coming back, you’re a plethora of laugh-inducing comment gems. Oh ya , I love sarcastic ingenuity, so you are just right.

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Someone here, is going to complain to you just for showing up here. so shine on play hard!!!


Complaints…OMG I love this place, wonderful people, a vibrant atmosphere that always puts a smile on my face. Wealth, I mean compared to the “real world”, the chips just flow in like crazy!
Oh, obfuscating, my bad.
The felt. Why does the felt have to be so rude and snotty? Seriously, all I did was fold a 3h 7c and next thing I know the felt is screaming at me in this “I’m better than you” gold lettering saying “you folded a flush ace high”. Next hand cards were so bad I just wanted to forget about them and move on, but no, the felt blasts out again, “you folded a full house”. Like I really needed to know that. Felt get some manners!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Your friend, Alias!