wow wow…what a tight game…everyone played their hearts out…what more could you ask…Cobra chickens won first…they were awesome…Desperados played their game of patience and skill and won 2nd…Howlers battled the whole game tough little street fighters that they are and had to settle for 3rd. Great game was played by all. I LOVE MUCKERS
Congratulations to the Cobra Chickens…mighty victory (these chickens dont know how to lose) despite the Desperados best effort they claimed first place and Mucker Luckers had to settle for 3rd. It was a great game and i know i say this a lot but it happens to be true, great game was played by all!
WHAT A GAME…WHAT A FINISH…mighty warriors all…DESPERADOS did not blink and won 1st place but MUCK U battled to the very end as did Maniac muckers. This game is why i love muckers…beautifully played by all and exciting to watch…there were as many watchers as players!!Congratulations…tune in next week…final week of the quarter and it aint decided yet!!
Congratulations all teams absolutely great game. Muck U you played a perfect game and you won first congrats. Desperados you played a perfect game also and just missed congratulations for 2nd. maniac muckers you were an all star also played so good and had to settle for third. Congratulations to all!
WHAT A GAME!! if you missed it…you missed the world Series plus the Super Bowl. Shameless hung on and won first place but believe me there was blood on the field…Muck U took 2nd and Cobra Chickens 3rd but the game is not over yet. a mere 10 points separate first and second for the championship. Great game was played by all. Shameless played a beautiful game today and so deserved this victory…Congratulations
CONGRATULATIONS to the COBRA CHICKENS…Champions of 2023 4th quarter…Hard fought from the start with a mighty MUCK U team…Todays battle found Shameless taking first but Cobra Chickens battled to 2nd with Maniac Muckers in third.Great Quarter, Great Year
Looking Forward to 2024
GREAT WAY TO START THE NEW QUARTER!! Everyone played a strong game. it was fun and exciting to watch. DESPERADOES ended up on top with Barn Burners in 2nd and Shameless in 3rd but the lead went back and forth. Everyone played a great game Congratulations!!
the second game of the new quarter was a hum dinger. Lots of trash talk and lots of good fun, MUCK U came in first with the Mighty Scratchy Cats and Barn Burners giving them a real run for the money. This is going to be a great quarter…all the teams want to win. Good luck to all
ok week one is in the history books…WHAT A FINISH! Crazy game but congratulations to The Howlers…strong finish won the day…2nd place to those new kids on the block (top 3 all three day) BarnBurners. and thirdplace went to perennial favorite the Final Straw.
Whew what a come from behind victory by Desperados…was on the mat most of the game but held in there to claim first over a great Howlers game who had to settle for 2nd with MUCK U in 3rd. Great game was played by all…edge of our seats the whole way
Congratulations to the Howlers…not only did they win first place but they took over the leaderboard…well done!! but a tip of the hat to Maniac Muckers, they gave them quite a battle but had to settle for second and same is true for the Shameless team fought the good fight…no “shame” in that…
What an exciting game…in the first 15 minutes we had 4 Aces and a ROYAL FLUSH and that was just the start. Great game…brutal even hard fought and the Cats emerged victorious…with the Cobra chickens missing a few feathers but in 2nd place while the maniac muckers had been scratched and pecked but hung on for third. Great game was played by all at least now we have a week to recover so we can do battle again.
Great game and what a come from behind victory by the Cats team…Cobra Chickens led for most of the game but they got scratched into 2nd place and Muck U had to settle for 3rd. great game congrats to you all
What a major battle today. everyone played tight and conservative 8 teams went into the 2nd half tightly grouped but the Final Straw came out on top securing first with barn burners close behind in 2nd with the ever present Mighty Cats claiming 3rd…What a season this is shaping into…tune in tomorrow this is getting good!!
Great game the last 15 minutes was a heads up match between Final Straw and Shameless…Final Straw emerged victorious over a very tenacious Shameless who had to settle for 2nd. while in 3rd MUCK U held strong
One team gone at the break and after the break it went on. The teams fought like gladiators the lead went back and forth and nobody gave up easily. Kudos to you all…DESPERADOS won first place but it wasnt easy…Shameless had to settle for 2nd but only after battling with the Final Straw long and hard. Final straw kept coming back and coming back…finally beating a very determined MUCK U. i had to give a bow to the top 4 teams because it was that close…Congratulations to all 4 teams…well done
Oh Boy, muckers is just the best combat…We all know each other so well…who is going to blink first!!
today it was Shameless who had the big guns and picked off their adversaries one by one…claiming first place…followed closely by MUCK U in 2nd and Maniac Muckers in third. Which team tomorrow…tune in
Copy Of Barnyard Muckers 1st Quarter 2024 - Google Sheets I understand I misssed a really good game. My congratulations go out to the Maniac Muckers for their first place finish and in 2nd place are the Cobra Chickens (always hard to pluck) and in 3rd place the Mucker Luckers (its about time this team woke up!!) look out
great game Cobra chickens. You fought the good fight and prevailed…Muck U tough loss but 2nd isnt really a loss and Maniac muckers took 3rd…another great game played by the MM team.
WHEN YOURE HOT there is just no beating you!! Great Game Howlers you were amazing…Barn Burners played a great game but had to settle for 2nd as did DESPERADOS in 3rd
At the half there was only one team out, the 2nd half opened and all hell broke out it was fast and furious. it was a shooting gallery and the Howlers were the only team with bullets…Congratulations to all what a fun game!!!