All in? Again?

If you think the bingo players, the donkeys, and the all-in fanatics don’t exist in the real world of cash games, you’re deluding yourself. They exist. Sad thing is when such players go deep in real money tournaments. It’s just another style of playing poker you’ll encounter. Learn their weaknesses and exploit them. No, you’ll not defeat them all the time, but try keeping the odds in your favor.

this is replay tournament poker #292737449

the game is texas hold em a big part of the game is being able to go all in with or without boss cards its not bingo or donky plays if it bothers you try 5 card draw

you need to read books other just purist ones like millers book you need to use variation to your advantage looking at whats comin up and if you have ace king why wouldn’t you bingo , you need to have big stack to win. This tournament poker not cash game. The stars will buy in at rebuys up ten times. If its good enough for stars to do that then i will too.
There is no way im using 27 etc but jack ten , pair 77 and up im why not . Why are you so scared of loosing i have won about ten times and it wasn’t because i took no risks. Doesnt mean i wont fold ten hands in a row just got way up who your playing and adjust your game to suit.

Question ? If a "Bingo " player goes all in and wins. Then on the next hand bets "half " of what he won, Is he still considered a "Bingo " player ?

I’m new here for the past 2 months. I HATE playing bingo, that’s why I play Texas HOLD EM. If I have the GOOD cards, I thought the whole idea of poker is to ‘PLAY’ to win? Duh, Go play Bingo and that’s how you play THAT!! I’m going to stay and Play POKER, Gees, all you’s jealous because you have bad cards and Fold, why do you play?? and then criticize others because they WIN??? LOL

Really good article on fold-equity. I know this thread might be old but in case anyone was still interested, this is worth a read.

This is very interesting. I keep building a real bankroll playing tournaments (BetOnline) only to go a lose a lot in ring games. I have been thinking about this - why if I am fairly good at tournament play (OK I have patience and strategy; I play high level chess), do I get so hammered in ring games???

I get to the point where I dare not call / raise hands that I would be confident with in tournaments as I have gone down in flames so many times.

Here are some recent hole cards I have folded when raised pre-flop in ring:

AK on (doh!)
A5 (regularly, though less when on)
low pockets 22 up to 99

Here is what I think is bugging me:

  1. Nerves - no second chances or come back in ring games
  2. Tilt - I much more quickly get to the point where I am thinking that the platform has ringer players, is dealing set enticement hands and so on
  3. BLUFFING - there appears to be WAY MUCH MORE bluffing in ring games, may be I am just not good enough a player to play this angle of the game.
  4. The low stakes multi table professionals just seem to hoover up the money time and again.

I think a combo of the above, but 3 the most.

I have lost about half of my BR playing ring games and am thinking of stopping playing ring altogether.

Are there players that only play ring and vice versa?

On going all in…apart from when Mr Tilty-Wilty is around, I generally do OK…Only do with a hand that looks / feels like the best, or with AA, KK, QQ, AK if it looks like it might work on a given table.

PS… I have only been playing since November, learned all on REPLAY, and now have profit in cash games…SO GREAT JOB REPLAY…

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Simple fear of making a mistake. Its stopping your natural process for playing hands correctly.

Usually I’d say this happens to a “bubble-boy” or a 50%er ( making t-pts )… but it happens in other situations too… like, you have 2.8m and buy onto a 2m buyin table. Your brain will tighten up as you approach 1.2m because if you go below that and leave, you can’t rejoin table to win your losses back.

The biggist risk ( especially on play chip poker sites ) in Ring games, is there are big fish who bottom feed… Unlike a SnG/MTT ( excluding Rebuy ) , someone with 25m can severly bully a player having 3.5m, when sitting @ a 2m buyin 20k/40k table.

Bottom line is : You(all of us) cannot play scared…

( so yes, I’m saying if you’re down to 1.2m bankroll… then don’t buyin for 1m hoping to get a quick score and get alot of your loss’s back… instead drop to a 2-800k buyin table, and buyin for the min 200k. Yes it will take longer to regain your loss’s, but you won’t end up in a situation where you can’t make a call/raise All-in due to your bankroll… plus if you say tripple up, then you can upgrade tables to maybe a 500k min buyin. )

All true Sarah!

I know exactly what you mean about bottom feeders…I have been playing (and losing) then realising that these guys are 1) on about 5 or 6 tables and 2) automatically rebuy to keep their stack at maximum.

I chatted to someone else about it and apparently they can make $500 - $600 per long session just playing the low stakes.

I call them ‘pan-handlers’ but you are right they are bottom feeders…

Apart from anything, the game should also be fun, and playing with them is not at all fun, its a ‘grind’.

I do though play with 40 BBs and more, so as not to look like ‘scared money’, but seriously, sometimes I think they can see my cards…ABC poker, checking all the outs, checking everything, then still getting really bad beats; then NOT playing OK cards, and seeing great flops.

On the other hand, I am happy with my tournament play. Bear in mind that I have only been playing a few months, all learned on Replay, and I have placed several times in very large freerolls - best so far 16th out of 2200+, but also final table with still big fields - usually 700+, and have finished out of a place by 1 place quite a few times…killer!

Also have come second in a small 10 players tourney and won a couple of low stake sit and go.

I think its temperament - I get playing thru the middle more and not worrying too much if Player A is beating up Players B and C or the average, and so, just waiting for my spot, tight, then aggressive bets seem to work.

I will keep on with Ring, but its getting expensive, so guess I will stick to tourney for a while.

There are higher levels at tourney too…as I have been finding out - harder to place in a strong field of 100 than a weak freeroll field of 1000+ !!!

Thanks again, and thanks to Replay, great job at promoting and developing the game.